Career Assessments
We offer a variety of written and computerized career assessments which are used to assist clients in career decision-making. We use these tools to help individuals expand and explore career options, not to tell you what to do with your life. Your counselor will recommend which assessment is appropriate based on your needs and where you are in the career development process. All instruments require a follow-up appointment with a career counselor to interpret the results.
FOCUS 2 Online Career and Education Planning System
This is 色花堂app's online career and education planning system. FOCUS 2 is a self-paced career guidance tool designed to help you select the right major, clarify your career goals, and provide you with valuable occupation information. You can access this assessment any time at the top of our main page.
Focus Answers the Questions:
- What can I do with a major in …? Offered at 色花堂app.
- What careers match my work interests, personality, leisure, values, and skills?
- How can I prepare now for my future career?
- What is the job outlook for my chosen career field?
Personality Mosaic
This paper based assessment is based off of the Holland Codes like the SII, but is shorter and takes less time to get through. It is self-scored and relates your interests to a list of careers and ISU majors.
Strong Interest Inventory (SII)
This tool measures interests in a broad range of occupations, work activities, leisure activities, and school subjects. It provides a comparison of individual interests with people working in different occupations who are satisfied with their career choices. It increases self-awareness by suggesting particular environments in which individuals like to learn and work, and types of activities people find satisfying.
Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
This is the most widely used personality assessment. It is used to increase self-awareness and to help you understand and appreciate the differences of others. The MBTI measures preferences in four different areas and produces a personality type for each individual. It assists in career decision-making by providing information about what personality types are most often represented in different career fields.
Please contact the career center to sign up or for more information.
Phone: (208) 282-2380 Email: